Wednesday, 7 March 2012

KONY 2012

Many children were killed cause of this KONY.

who is KONY?
Go to this site :

After I watched the video of KONY 2012, that angry, sad, powerless feeling was explose in my brain. 
And I had this feeling many times as I watch the things happen in my country. 
But in my country, you are banned to talk about any sensitive topic in public. It takes big risk to express your opinion on political. 

Now I am outside, I tried to say something, but people inside can't get the information, they all banned(very few can use IT technic to get through the "invisible great wall"). 悲剧!

As I am outside now, I get more information than I expected, like 'kony 2012'. 
My thoughts was 'oh! how similar this is with what's happening in my country ',  tragedies happening there, but others dont know. They get no help because no one knows..Nobody talk about it.
Nobody talk about it, no action will take. 

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